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Expect The Unexpected

All about me

3D2N in Tioman Island
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Been to Tioman Island last Monday and it is a different experience for me. Went Jungle Trekking and Snorkeling. I like the scenery there but was slightly disappointed with the coral. Maybe its due to pollution, the coral are half dead. Taking ferry from the jetty to Tioman Island is a tough one. My friend vomited as the sea is too choppy. I like the water fall during the jungle trekking as it feels like free Jacuzzi :) Those who have not try snorkeling should give it a try. It's fun and especially when u feed the fish with bread, and it will look like this:

writtern @1:04 PM

Recovering from Stomach flu/ food poisoning
Friday, December 4, 2009

I vomited on Tuesday 3am, had diarrhea at 6am. Had fever and were given two days MC. For 4days, i had eaten the bare minimum, porridge and the soup. Haha,it really feel awful. To look at it positively, its a chance for me to slim down. Maybe I can make a mark on the history and hit below 50kg. To those who always call me fat, I want your spectacle to drop!! Haha...

Lesson Learnt: Health is really impt. Without it, you cant do a lot of things in life.

writtern @8:49 PM

Women giving birth!
Thursday, October 22, 2009

For our lifestyle and lifespant development lecture today, we saw the whole process of how the women waited painfully for their cervix to dilate till 10cm in order to "push" the baby out. Most of the girls in the room were going ooh and ahhh, my friend commented that we are like taking roller coaster while watching the baby being delivered. From these videos, these women had a common point, they are bearing all the pain just for the baby. Mothers are so noble! Giving birth is just like sticking one leg into the hell.

Advise to the men: Appreciate your wife.

writtern @11:41 PM

Movies worth watching
Friday, October 16, 2009

" It's a privilidge to grow old with someone"
- From the movie PS I Love You

It is definitely a movie worth watching and touching movie. It is not easy to meet someone you like, and it is even more difficult to maintain it. So appreciate that someone out there before u even lose it. This movie also brings out the beauty of support from family and friendship. I salute to all these couples who had come thus far.

Picture taken in London

Another movie worth watching is "The sister's keeper". The similarity between the previous movie is they revolved on topic of facing death or close one's death. Though this movie dont have handsome actor or actress, but it really brings out human nature, loving mum who will go to all extend to protect her child.The love between siblings and sometimes u just cant choose life. It just leave me pondering, sometimes the relationship between people are just so intriguing.


writtern @4:23 AM

Day 10 - Leisure and shopping in Paris
Monday, October 12, 2009

We checked out and leave the hotel at 12 plus cuz we have to stay overnight in the airport for 6am flight. Meaning we are going to spend our night in the airport. Well, sounds a bit pitiful, but it save us Euro58. We went for boat tour and walked to see the Arc de Triompe. On our way there, we did some shpopping. For dinner, we had mussel. For this restaurant, 95% of the people are eating it and it is definitly nice! I thought they have unlimited mussel for me, but it is available for all outlet except the restaurant I am in. If it is really free flow, I think the shop is going to make a lost from me, haha....

This cost 21.70 Euro!!

It is a less tiring day, my mum was happier cuz she bought herself two clothes and she need not walk as much. went to the Eiffel tour for the third time and it is gonna be our last time. It is indeed quite a romantic place. For the two times we went there, we manage to see the 5mins blinking tower and its cool.


writtern @4:21 AM

Day 8 - Changing of accommodation, free tour in Paris
Saturday, October 10, 2009

My mum really dont like the previous hostel and wanted a refund, we booked the hotel on the same night and moved out this morning. According to the stuff, it will be noisier cuz on Friday, all the students will go clubbing and I was woken by my roomates coming back to the rooms and the collecting of bottles glass at the back of the road... Well, the new hotel was really quiet and a little far to walk to metro station. It's the smallest lift and room I have seen in my life, but better than nothing. The stuff was nice enough to let me use their pc cuz I cant receive wi fi from my room.

Went to Hard Rock Cafe to buy some clothes for souvenir then go for the free city tour. We followed them till half way and we lost them! We tried finding them but coulndn't. What a pity I didnt manage to complete the tour and give tips to the student who guided us. They really bring us to nice places. I think I was to be blame for it cuz I asked my mum to take picture of me, but it was just in a spit of second that we miss them. Today, I was more farmiliar with using the metro. Something different from Our train was that u need to press something or lift up the handle if u want to get out or board the train! I think it shld be for security purpose. Went to The Louve and was very impressed with the museum!As today evening, they offer free entry for those under 26 so I just show my passport and went in! They are really rich in their culture! I think ppl in the past must be very free, so they can spend so much time drawing such nice and big pictures! Our tour guide told us that if u spend 30 secs for the things in the musuem and without eating, drinking and resting, u will need one month to finish watching it. Its very exaggerating but is very true. I spend one hour scanning through (cuz I dont know how to read French) and in one hour, I had only many to cover the 1st hall first level.(They have three halls and four levels for each hall.)

Went to try out the food as well! Well, cuz the place we are in are tourist area, so it was quite expensive though. Well, I am only left with 2 days to try out Paris food, so dont blame me for bloating up. Haha...

Oh, not only in London, ppl in Paris also like to bluff their way through the transportation. We saw ppl squeezing through the machine without paying and there are loopholes to thier system (ppl can go in through the exit) In London, ppl also get on the bus from the door at the back without paying, so it's a norm. Dont be surprised if u happen to see that in the future. Another thing I was surprised was in such developed country like Paris, the driver actually horn me for walking across zebra Crossing!!! They wont stop for u, so better be careful. Another norm is French couples kissing everywhere and they tends to show their love more readily than us asian. It's 00:08 now and I need to prepare for tmr. Hope everything went smoothly.


writtern @5:45 AM

Day 6- Walking tour in Glasgow
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Took my time to wake up and go for breakfast this morning. Cuz we need to check out by 11am and our bus for London only leave at 11.45pm tonight. The good part is we can save one night accomodation. The bad part is we wont have a proper sleep tonight. Pray that it will be a smooth and safe journey back to London. Suddenly I felt that it is a blessing to have unlimited flow of warm water to shower cuz we have to stay out tonight. Sometimes things are like that, we only treasure things after we lose it and I realised its these small and simple things like having a comfortable bed to sleep on which makes me happy!
Walked to Glasgow School of art and I missed the tour. Then we went to The Tenament House which shows display of a house which was preserved since 1888. I paid £5.50 for my entrance fee cuz my mum wont understand anyway. To my disappointment, it was only a display of two bedrooms and one kitchen! The entrance fee is really expensive. I was quite surprised that they actually built their bed inside a cupboard and the door can only be opened from the outside. There are no lights, window or fans, I think I will suffered from the fear of being locked in a closed atmosphere if I were to live there. Next, we took the underground to Glasgow University and Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. The University is the coolest I had ever seen. The museum was very great too, the best part is the entrance is free! I want to go to the Museum of transport too, which entrance fee is also free, but all of it were closed at 5pm. One thing not so good in the European country is that only pubs are available at night! Even the shopping centre closed at 5pm. Back to the topic, the drawing in the museum is fantastic and it was really very educational, definitely worth going to. Well, i guess thats y this place was rich in culture and not so much in Singapore.
Bought sth for dinner on our way back, my mum had Macdonald cuz thats the only food which suits her other than the chinese food. I had some fried mushroom which is nice but oily :( plus one piece of pizza. I can see that my check is bloating up, but u cant blame me for that cuz all the food here are oily! They dont have 果条汤 for me... In Macdonald now and its was cold. I still have three more hours to go. I think I better go out for a walk before the fats accumulate at my stomach. Written at 6pm in Glasgow


writtern @1:32 AM