Being a tutor
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I started giving tuition since Feb 2009. Now, I already have 5 students. After all, I felt that tuition teacher is an easier job compare to the rest of the jobs. So much easier than those job which u need to be on ur feet at all time. As a student, I know that learning is more painful than teaching. So i will spend most of my time brainstorming ways to make the lesson a more interesting one.
Take for example the Pri 1 student I have taught. At first, I was dishearten because she would forget whatever I had just taught her. But after she get used to my teaching style and building a strong foundation for her, she learn really fast. Now I need to come up with games and activities to attract her attention and make her learn through playing. I still remembered vividly the first time when I saw her. I was a little earlier and she was still in her undies, haha...And for now, she will dress up for the tuition. Wow, actually I felt quite proud because she scored full marks for all her tests and spelling.

Then her younger sister is even more cute, she would mimic us when I was teaching her sister han yu pin yin. There was once when she actually learn faster than her sister. However, I know 天无不散之筵席. Be it for working in Bakerzin, teaching the kids or towards friends. I wish them all the best in their future and I will miss your de!