It's Vacation again!
Monday, May 26, 2008
It's Vacation again! I call it break but not holiday because this is the time for us to consolidate whatever we have learnt and revise for mid year. After seeing my friends collecting their results and applying for university, I felt myself fast-forwarding to the day when i collect mine and apply for it. Well, competition is really stiff in Singapore, and be pragmatic, nobody will want u if u dont get good results.
All the while I thought that 2008 will be a good year and a good start cuz chinese believed that '8' is some auspicious number. NO! People I know passed away, lots of disaster and unhappy things. I know that a lot of things are beyond our control and I really feel helpless towards those suffering in Myammar and China. Why? Why is it that people only look into things only when it had happen. Why cant we learn from our mistakes and history to prevent the mishap from happening again?